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major depressive disorder中文是什么意思

用"major depressive disorder"造句"major depressive disorder"怎么读"major depressive disorder" in a sentence


  • 重度抑郁症


  • Lateralized hemisphere function in dichotic listening research in major depressive disorder
  • Major depressive disorder ( mdd ) is also known as a mood disorder , or affective disorder
  • Association of gonadal receptor genes ' microsatellites and dysfunctional attitudes in adolescent with major depressive disorder
  • The dichotic listening research for different chinese rhyming words in patients with major depressive disorder by focused attention
  • How might a trained professional differentiate sadness related to environmental events from early signs on major depressive disorders ? and how would he / she probably treat these conditions
  • The findings were presented friday at the american psychosomatic society meeting , in denver . " a number of previous studies have linked lower levels of omega - 3 to clinically significant conditions such as major depressive disorder , bipolar disorder , schizophrenia , substance abuse and attention - deficit disorder , " sarah conklin , a postdoctoral scholar with the psychiatry department ' s cardiovascular behavioral medicine program , said in prepared statement . " however , few studies have shown that these relationships also occur in healthy adults
    正在匹兹堡大学从事博士后研究工作的莎拉康克林表示, “通过此前多次研究,科学家认为血液中omega - 3脂肪酸含量较低与严重抑郁症两极性精神紊乱特点为躁狂与抑郁并发精神分裂症滥用药物以及注意力不集中等临床症状有关” “但此前很少有研究显示上述联系omega - 3脂肪酸含量低与临床病症有关也会发生在健康的成年人身上” 。
用"major depressive disorder"造句  
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